Working life Artikel

Using the Stacey matrix to find the right PM method in project portfolio management

Starting a new project is sometimes like an exciting journey into the unknown - full of possibilities, but also full of potential stumbling blocks. Like the navigator of an adventure looking for the right path on a confusing map, we are often faced with the challenge...

Ensure fair recruitment and hiring with these seven practices

When an applicant comes across an interesting position online, one of the first steps is to write a CV and cover letter for the advertised position. Until 2006, the application photo was still considered an integral part of the documents. Since then, however, the...

The power of error culture: Why mistakes lead to success

In today's society, mistakes are often seen as a sign of weakness and a lack of intelligence, although in reality they are a natural part of human existence. In the world of work in particular, there is often the idea that mistakes are a career obstacle. This is why...

The Eisenhower Principle in Action: Optimizing Time Management for Work and Everyday Life

In a world where we are confronted with countless tasks and demands every day, it is important to use our time effectively and set priorities correctly. But all too often we get lost in the urgency trap, let ourselves get hogged by unimportant tasks, and end up...