The best congratulations for a birth: examples of congratulations and sayings

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The birth of a child is an unforgettable event in the lives of parents, grandparents, relatives and friends. It is a time full of joy, love and congratulations that should come from the heart. But sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to congratulate the new parents. In this blog post, I would like to give you some inspiration on how to write the most beautiful congratulations on a birth. I’ll then show you a few gift ideas for the birth that will make new parents happy.

Whether by e-mail, text message or as a handwritten card – the best congratulations on a birth are always those that come from the heart and show the parents that you are happy for them.

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Classic congratulations on a birth

Classic congratulations on the birth - parents with baby in bed

There are situations in which you don’t want to be too conspicuous. It is therefore advisable to keep the congratulations on the birth simple and straightforward. Below you will find a selection of congratulations that you can use to make new parents happy.

  • Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby!
  • We are delighted for you and wish you all the happiness in the world.
  • Welcome to life little sunshine!
  • A new life begins – congratulations on the birth of your child.
  • We were delighted to hear about the birth of your baby. We wish you a wonderful time as new parents.
  • I wish you three all the luck in the world!
  • I am so happy for your growing family! All the best for your new family member!
  • Congratulations on the birth! May your family always be surrounded by love and joy.
  • I wish you all a few more hours of sleep and all the joy that comes with a new baby!
  • Congratulations on your new arrival! May all the stars align to bring health, love and plenty of sleep to your growing family.
  • I send you three all my love. I can’t wait to squeeze those little cheeks!
  • Happy new parenthood!
  • How lucky to have parents like you!

Funny congratulations on the birth

In addition to warm and loving congratulations, there is also the option of adding a little humor to the congratulations on the birth. In this section, we would like to introduce you to some funny congratulations for the birth that will create a cheerful and carefree atmosphere. Be inspired and bring a smile to the faces of new parents.

  • The day of birth is the only blind date where you can be sure of meeting the love of your life.
  • Why am I so small? Flowers grow more slowly than weeds.
  • Whenever I see a baby as beautiful as yours, I try to remember how wonderful it is to sleep at night.
  • People who say they sleep like a baby have never had one! Good luck and plenty of sleepless nights for you!
  • Congratulations on the baby and on the fun times you’ll have again in 18 years!
  • They talked about me for 9 months –
    Now let them hear me!
    So I came, saw them and screamed!
    But they still keep me…
  • Who rules the world? Your new little girl! Congratulations to you.
  • I wish you all the best… and some rest.
  • Congratulations on your little burrito! (That’s what they call babies these days, isn’t it?)
  • Strong-willed women have strong-willed babies… Good luck!
  • I hope you get used to a new kind of bottle service. Congratulations on the new baby!
  • It’s not too late to name your baby after me.

Sweet and sincere congratulations on the birth

There are many beautiful and sincere congratulations for a birth that can express the deep joy and happiness of this special occasion. In this section, we would like to introduce you to some of these congratulations to help you formulate your own congratulations on the birth.

  • Three things have remained from paradise: the flowers of the day, the stars of the night and the eyes of the children. – Dante
  • A birth is always a miracle and I rejoice with you with all my heart! I wish your baby a healthy and happy future and you as parents lots of strength, patience and love for the coming years.
  • Welcome to life, my little darling! I wish you all the best and love on your journey through life and your parents lots of joy and happiness with their sweet baby.
  • Your love has created a little miracle and I am sure that your baby will give you many unforgettable moments in the future. I wish you a wonderful time as a family and lots of fun together!
  • Your family has gained a wonderful new member! I wish you that you can always give your baby love, security and support and that there will be many happy moments in your life together.
  • I congratulate you on the most wonderful thing that nature produces. Only the very best wishes for you and your child.
  • Birth is a miracle, children are a gift. You grow with and with them. Inspire and enrich children. Enjoy every second and let yourself be carried away by the new adventures and chapters that lie in your future together. Congratulations on the birth!

Birth congratulations for girls

The birth of a baby girl is a very special event that fills the hearts of parents and their loved ones. A little girl brings a new world of possibilities and dreams into the family, and it is a time of joy, love and gratitude. If you are looking for the right words to congratulate the proud parents, I have put together some sweet and sincere congratulations for girls.

  • Little hair and no teeth yet – now I’m here and I’m a girl!
  • A little girl knocked, and now she has entered your life. We send you our best wishes for the journey you have ahead of you together.
  • All the best for the birth of your daughter and lots of fun, as mom and dad you will certainly really step on the gas.
    Your crown princess is now here, and the grandparents think that’s wonderful too.
    Because even if the nights are getting shorter now, there is no greater happiness on earth!
  • Congratulations on your daughter! What a treasure!
    And this sentence is certainly true:
    A little daughter, graceful, fine,
    is always the sunshine of the house!
  • A sweet girl now follows her overjoyed parents every step of the way.
    Congratulations on your baby and lots of joy with your little lady!
  • When it comes to size, your daughter is still very small. When it comes to happiness, she is definitely the greatest!

Birth congratulations for boys

Birthday wishes for a boy - Baby in a bunny costume

The birth of a baby boy is an unforgettable experience for family and friends. A little boy brings joy, adventure and endless possibilities into his parents’ lives. It is a time of gratitude and love, and there is no better way to express this than with heartfelt congratulations.

Here are a few congratulations that I have put together for you:

  • Now a new heart begins to beat, we wish you sunshine every day, may your son always give you moments of joy in life. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby boy!
  • Congratulations on the birth of your little prince! I am so happy for you and wish you a wonderful time full of love and joy with your little miracle.
  • A little boy has been born and has taken your hearts by storm! I wish your son a healthy and happy future and you as parents many unforgettable moments with your little man.
  • Once upon a time there was a little prince who grinned lovingly at me.
    Yes, you’ve already guessed it, your son turned out wonderfully.
    Congratulations on your birth and I wish you all the best for the future.
  • Congratulations on the birth of your son!
    A little angel now enriches your life.
    And even if sometimes a B joins in and turns him into a brat, never forget: children are the wings of man.
  • Welcome to life, little man! I am sure that you will give your parents and your family many more unforgettable moments. I wish you all the luck in the world and that you will have many great experiences and adventures in your life.

Birth congratulations for mothers

Mother with baby in hospital bed - congratulations on the birth for the mother

The arrival of a new family member is an unforgettable moment and there are no words to describe the joy and pride a mother feels. As a father or friend, you want to express your congratulations in a sweet and sincere way to do justice to this indescribable joy. In this section, we will introduce you to some heartfelt congratulations for mothers that will inspire you to find the right words.

  • As a mother, you are now part of something very special: A family characterized by love, joy and cohesion. As a new mom, I wish you a wonderful time with your little treasure and that you will experience many more unforgettable moments together as a family.
  • You became a mother today, you gave birth to a little person. Quickly get out the confectionery and the bottle of expensive champagne. Because a glass in all honor, for your birth, is not to be denied you. But despite all the celebrations, always be good to your baby.
  • Congratulations on the birth of your little miracle! As a new mom, you now have one of the most important and beautiful tasks in life: To give your child love, security and support. I wish you all the luck in the world on this wonderful journey.
  • The birth of your child is an unforgettable moment in your life and I am so happy for you! As a mom, I wish you a wonderful time full of joy, love and unforgettable moments with your little treasure.
  • Congratulations on your new phase of life as a mom! I am sure that you will master your role with flying colors and that you will give your child everything it needs: Love, security and support. I wish you all the luck in the world on this wonderful journey.

Birth congratulations for fathers

While the mother recovers physically and physically and takes care of the baby, the father often has to go back to work and take care of the rest of the family. It is important to show him that he is valued and supported in this new role.

Here are a few words of support and congratulations for the father:

  • A father is someone who has baby photos where he used to keep his money … congratulations!
  • Congratulations on being a father! The birth of your child is an unforgettable moment in life and I wish you, as a new dad, a wonderful time full of joy, love and unforgettable moments with your little treasure.
  • Congratulations on your new family member! I am sure that as a dad you will play a very special role in this life and that your child will appreciate you as a role model and protector. As a father, I wish you every happiness and joy on this wonderful journey through life.
  • Welcome to the fathers’ club! As a new dad, I wish you every happiness and joy on this wonderful journey. Your child will always need and appreciate you and I am sure you will be a fantastic father to him.
  • I hope your baby makes less noise at night than you do during a soccer game.
  • Remember that when people say that your baby looks like you, it doesn’t mean that you have such beautiful chubby cheeks.

Poems as congratulations for the birth

A special way to convey congratulations on a birth is to express them in the form of poems. Poems are not only beautiful and poetic expressions, but can also convey deep meaning and emotion. In this section of our blog article, we would like to introduce you to some inspirational poems that you can use as congratulations for the birth.

  • You came to this big world stark naked and without money. Apartment to apartment, apartment to apartment, it was too cramped for you, you didn’t want any more. Dad stood by mom when you gave your first cry. Now two tiny little feet walk with him every step of the way.
  • Hooray! The stork made his rounds again, and brought (name of child) with a smiling mouth, he flew by in full splendor, and made the parents happy.
  • He is here today,
    the day you’ve never been so happy.
    May your every dream be fulfilled,
    because as of today you have a child that roars only for you!
  • Double the noise and double the fun. Heaven sent us two little stars!
  • A baby makes the biggest noise, but it’s all forgotten once it laughs.
  • So now everyone knows:
    There was no pillow under Mommy’s sweater,
    She didn’t eat herself fat either.
    No, I was sitting in it.

Why congratulations on a birth are important

The birth of a child is a very special event for the new parents and their family. It is a moment full of joy, happiness and excitement. At this moment, friends and acquaintances also want to send their congratulations on the birth. But why are congratulations on a birth important?

First of all, congratulations on the birth show the parents that they are not alone. It is a sign of solidarity and support when friends and relatives rejoice with them at the birth of their child and wish them all the best. Parents can feel that they are not alone in their new role as parents and that their loved ones are by their side.

However, congratulations on the birth can also help to create a close bond between the parents and their friends and relatives. Talking about the birth of your child together and sharing experiences can help you understand each other better and build deeper trust. Especially at a time when new parents often feel overwhelmed and insecure, such relationships can be invaluable.

Last but not least, congratulations on the birth are a way of conveying positive energy and love to the baby. Through the congratulations, the parents learn that their child is welcomed by many people and that it has been born into a world full of love and care. This can give the child positive energy and security, which will support them in their development.

All in all, congratulations on the birth are an important part of the welcome ritual for a newborn. They can help to create a close bond between parents and their loved ones and give the baby positive energy and security. For this reason, it is particularly important to take the time to find the most beautiful congratulations for the birth to give the parents and their child an unforgettable welcome.

What belongs on a greeting card for a birth?

A card is a wonderful way to send congratulations on a birth. But what belongs on such a card? First of all, you should send warm greetings and congratulations to the new parents and their baby. You can use classic sayings or find your own personal words. It is especially nice if you also mention the baby’s name and perhaps even write a few kind words about the baby or the parents.

In addition to the congratulations, you can also choose a suitable motif for the card, for example a cute baby or a stork. A photo of your own baby or a drawing can also be a nice addition. However, it is important not to get too kitschy and not to overload the card.

Of course, the sender should not be missing on the card. Here you can either write your name or a personal greeting, for example “All the best for you and your little miracle”.

All in all, a greetings card for a birth should include

  • Best wishes and congratulations
  • the name of the baby
  • Possibly personal words about the baby or the parents
  • a suitable motif or photo
  • the sender with his name or a personal greeting.

A card like this is a lovely way to show the new parents and their baby that you are thinking of them and wishing them all the best.


In summary, congratulations on the birth are a wonderful way to wish the new parents and their baby all the best and to show them that you are thinking of them. The best congratulations are individual and personal, contain heartfelt greetings and congratulations and perhaps also a few kind words about the baby or the parents. A card is a great way to convey your congratulations and can be made even more personal with a suitable motif or a photo of your own baby.

Ultimately, congratulations on a birth are all about making the new parents and their baby happy and wishing them all the best. Regardless of whether the congratulations are delivered in person or by card or message – the important thing is that they come from the heart and bring a smile to the recipient’s face.

Take a look at my articles to wish your boss a happy birthday or congratulate your colleague on a job change.

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What are birth congratulations?

Congratulations on the birth are one way of wishing the new parents and their baby all the best. They can be sent in the form of cards, gifts or personal visits.

Why are congratulations on a birth important?

Congratulations on the birth are important because they show the parents that they are not alone and that their loved ones are by their side. They can also help to build a close bond between the parents and their friends and relatives and give the baby positive energy and security.

What are the classic congratulations for a birth?

Classic congratulations on the birth are short, simple sentences such as “Congratulations on the birth” or “All the best for your child”. They are timeless and fit into any situation.

What are funny congratulations for a birth?

Funny congratulations on a birth are sayings with a humorous or ironic undertone. They are designed to make the new parents laugh and sweeten the excitement and challenges of being a parent. Examples include: “Finally you can show your baby who’s boss in the house” or “A baby is like a new cell phone: it’s fun to try it out, but the instruction manual is a disaster”.

What are personal congratulations on a birth?

Personal congratulations on the birth are individual wishes and greetings tailored to the parents and their baby. For example, they can refer to the child’s name or take into account special experiences or characteristics of the parents.

What are birth congratulations for special occasions?

Birth congratulations for special situations are congratulations that address special circumstances, such as the birth of twins, the adoption of a child or the birth of a premature baby. They are intended to encourage and support parents in their special situation.

How do I find the right congratulations for the birth?

The right congratulations for the birth depend on the situation and the parents’ preferences. You can use classic sayings as a guide or find your own personal words. It is important to remain authentic and speak from the heart.


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