Wedding congratulations: examples of congratulations and sayings

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Wedding congratulations: An unforgettable moment in the lives of two people when they promise each other love and togetherness. It is a time of joy, celebration and heartfelt congratulations. If you are looking for the right words to congratulate the happy couple, you will find a selection of inspiring congratulations and sayings here that will convey your best wishes in a wonderful way. Let’s dive into the world of loving congratulations together!

If you are still looking for the right birthday wishes, I can recommend this article.

Simple wedding congratulations

Sometimes you don’t want to step out of line in a big way. Keep it simple with your congratulations. Here are some simple but heartfelt wedding congratulations that you can use:

  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your love always be strong and your marriage fulfilled.
  • All the best for your wedding! I wish you a future full of adventures and unforgettable moments together.
  • Congratulations on your big day! May your marriage be characterized by love, respect and harmony.
  • All the best for your wedding! May you always stand by each other in the ups and downs of life.
  • Congratulations on your marriage! May your love continue to grow every day and give you infinite happiness.
  • All the best for your life together! May you always be there for each other and realize your dreams together.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your love give you the courage, joy and strength to overcome all challenges.
  • All the best and congratulations on your marriage! May you always enchant each other anew and lead a fulfilled life together.

Funny wedding congratulations

You can also have some fun with the happy couple! Then I have some funny wedding congratulations for you here:

  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your marriage last as long as the battery of my smartphone (Nokia 3310) – forever!
  • All the best for the wedding! You are the perfect team – just like salt and pepper or coffee and cake!
  • Congratulations on your big day! Don’t forget that marriage is like public Wi-Fi – it’s important to always stay connected!
  • All the best for your wedding! May you always be as happy as a dog with two tails!
  • Congratulations on your marriage! Let’s party together and dance so much that even the neighbors will think we’ve gone crazy!
  • All the best for your life together! May your marriage be as stable as a Jenga tower after three bottles of wine!
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your love be as strong as the coffee on Monday morning – unshakeable!
  • All the best and congratulations on your marriage! Always remember: in a happy marriage, one of you is always in the wrong and the other is the husband!
  • Congratulations on your wedding! Don’t forget that humor is also important in a marriage – laughing together keeps the relationship fresh!
  • All the best for the wedding! May you always be able to share the remote control without getting into a relationship war!

Sweet and sincere congratulations on your wedding

Have you already built up a good relationship with the happy couple? Perhaps the following sayings sound a little exaggerated, or perhaps they do fit. See these sweet and sincere wedding congratulations as inspiration to find the perfect words of your own:

  • Congratulations on your wedding! May you experience a love together that is as sweet as chocolate and as strong as coffee in the morning.
  • All the best for the wedding! Your love is like a beautiful sunset – it colors the sky and makes the heart leap for joy.
  • Congratulations on your big day! May you always stick together like two peas in a pod and go through thick and thin together.
  • All the best for your wedding! Your love is like a romantic fairy tale that should never end – “Happily Ever After” forever!
  • Congratulations on your marriage! May you always be there for each other, just like Nutella always goes with bread – a perfect combination!
  • All the best for your life together! Your love is like a rainbow – beautiful, colorful and full of hope for a bright future.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your love grow and blossom like a delicate flower that becomes more beautiful from day to day.
  • All the best and congratulations on your marriage! Your relationship is like a delicious dessert – sweet, seductive and simply irresistible.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May you experience many adventures together, like two birds nesting in the same nest.
  • All the best for the wedding! Your love is like a favorite book that you want to read again and again – full of magic and inspiring stories.

Longer congratulations for a card or email

If you are looking for longer congratulations for a card or e-mail to convey your warmest wishes to the bride and groom, then you have the opportunity to find personal words here. Use this space to express your joy, love and support. Here are some ideas on how you can formulate your congratulations:

  1. Start with a warm introduction:
    Dear [Name des Paares],
  2. share your joy about the wedding:
    I would like to congratulate you wholeheartedly on your beautiful wedding. It is a special moment that celebrates your love and solidarity.
  3. Reflect on the couple’s relationship:
    When I saw you together, I felt that your love was something very special. Your connection and respect for each other is inspiring.
  4. Remember shared experiences or special characteristics of the couple:
    I remember how you experienced [ein besonderes Ereignis] together and how happy you were together. You are so similar and complement each other perfectly.
  5. Wishes for the couple’s future:
    May your path as a married couple be accompanied by happiness, love and fulfillment. I wish you unforgettable moments, shared adventures and a deep bond that will strengthen you in difficult times.
  6. Offer your support and friendship:
    If you need me, I’m always there for you and at your side. Your friendship means a lot to me and I look forward to continuing to be a part of your lives.
  7. With a loving conclusion:
    All the best and love to you both! May your marriage be a blessing and give you new joy and happiness every day.
  8. Sign your name and a personal note:
    With warm congratulations,
    [Ihr Name]
    P.S. I am already looking forward to our next meeting to review the wonderful time of your wedding.

Take the time to design these longer congratulations according to your own feelings and memories. Show the couple how important they are to you and that you share their happiness from the bottom of your heart. Your personal words are sure to touch them and give them a lasting memory.

Wedding congratulations for WhatsApp

If you want to send wedding congratulations via WhatsApp, it’s important that your message is short, warm and personal. Here are some examples of how you can formulate your congratulations:

  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your path together be full of love, happiness and adventure. All the best!
  • Dear [Name des Paares], I wish you all the best for your wedding. May your days always be full of laughter, love and unforgettable moments. Congratulations!
  • To the wonderful bride and groom: May your hearts beat in unison forever and may your love grow stronger day by day. All the best for your wedding!
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your marriage be a place of trust, love and happiness. Enjoy your life together!
  • Dear [Name des Paares], I send you my best wishes for your wedding. May all your dreams come true and may your love continue to grow. All the best!
  • To the happy bridal couple: Congratulations on your wedding! Do you always want to be there for each other and support each other? Enjoy your big day!
  • Dear [Name des Paares], I send you my warmest congratulations on your wedding. May your love endure through all the ups and downs of life and grow ever stronger. All the best!
  • Congratulations on your marriage! May your marriage be full of joy, understanding and respect for each other. Enjoy every moment of your journey together!

Wedding quotes and sayings: Wise words for the special day

A wedding is a magical moment filled with love, happiness and hope. To honor this special day and give the happy couple something special to take home with them, wedding quotes and sayings can be an inspiring addition. Here are some selected quotes and sayings that you can use:

  • “Love does not consist in looking at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “In love, it’s not the years that count, but the moments we experience together.” – Unknown
  • “Marriage: a workshop of love where you work on each other every day.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “The secret of a happy marriage lies in forgiving each other, supporting each other and seeing the good in each other.” – Unknown
  • “Love does not consist in looking at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “Marriage is the beginning and the summit of all the arts – music, poetry, painting, happiness and love.” – Honoré de Balzac
  • “Marriage is not about finding a perfect partner, it’s about making the imperfections perfect together.” – Unknown
  • “Let love be your guiding melody that accompanies every day of your life together.” – Unknown
  • “A good marriage is made up of two people who keep learning to love and respect each other.” – Unknown
  • “Marriage is like a garden that you tend together. It needs love, patience and attention to blossom and flourish.” – Unknown

Wedding poems: Poetry for the special day of love

A wedding is a moment full of romance and emotion that lends itself perfectly to the use of poetry. Poems can be a profound and poetic way to express your best wishes to the happy couple. Here are some beautiful poems that you can use for your wedding:

  1. Two hearts come together, merging in love, year after year. Marriage is like a tender bond that is strengthened by every word, every hand.

    In good times and in hard times, we stand together, no two of us. We share happiness and tears, our love will never fade.

    For your wedding anniversary, I wish you much happiness, a life full of love, piece by piece. Enjoy your time as a married couple, you’ll have a wonderful time together.
  1. I see a sparkle in your eyes, a love that I cannot put into words. The wedding is the starting point of a journey, full of adventure and new ways.

    Together you walk hand in hand, giving yourselves support and a firm footing. May you always be there for each other, united and fine in your marriage covenant.

    On your wedding day, I send you my heart, full of happiness, love and heavenly pain. May you realize your dreams and delight yourselves again and again.
  1. Love flows through your hearts, connecting you for all the pain. The wedding is a magical moment that shows your love is so infinite and real.

    You now go through life together, giving each other support and love. Every day is a new adventure, in your love lies the great store of the future.

    For your wedding anniversary, I wish you joy, love, happiness and contentment in every home. May you always be there for each other, in your marital happiness infinite and fine.

These poems can serve as inspiration to convey your warmest wishes to the couple. You can write them in a wedding card, integrate them into a wedding speech or even recite them in person. With poetic words, you can express the couple’s love and happiness in a beautiful way and give them a lasting memory.

The main thing is that the congratulations on the wedding come from the heart

In any case, when choosing your wedding congratulations, you should make sure that they suit the bride and groom and reflect your sincere feelings. Whether you choose funny, heartfelt or poetic words, your congratulations are sure to touch the couple and show them that you are thinking of them on this special day.

Remember that congratulations are not about length, but about the sincerity and the feeling they convey. Regardless of whether you deliver your congratulations in person, send a card or a digital message, the thought and good wishes behind the words are what counts.

A wedding is a milestone in a couple’s life, and your congratulations will help to make this day even more special. Let your words express the love, joy and hope associated with this event. Celebrate the couple’s love and happiness and wish them a wonderful future together full of love, harmony and unforgettable moments.

With this in mind, I hope you enjoy finding the right congratulations for your wedding and that you can touch the couple’s hearts with your words. May their marriage be blessed with love, happiness and fulfillment, today and forever.

Books for managers and those who want to become one

You really do exist! Books that improve your leadership and delegation skills. In the course of my time as a founder and manager, I have read many books. Leadership books that helped me with my first steps and other books that helped me at an advanced stage. Here are my top 3 leadership books from which I still learn a lot today.

The boss I will never forget

A book about how to win the loyalty and respect of your employees.

Good bosses eat last

The book that every leader needs to know. One of the world’s best books on leadership.

Modern Leading

The practical handbook for managers – How to become an authentic and charismatic leader, inspire employees, lead teams and deliver results.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What are wedding congratulations?

Wedding congratulations are heartfelt and loving words that wish the couple much happiness, love and fulfillment for the beginning of their journey together. They can be worded in a variety of ways, from traditional to modern, depending on your personal style and your relationship with the couple.

Should wedding congratulations be sent in person or in writing?

Wedding congratulations can be sent both in person and in writing. A personal congratulations gives you the opportunity to accompany your words with a hug or handshake and tell the couple directly to their faces how happy you are for them. However, if you cannot be present in person, it is also appropriate to send your congratulations in a lovingly designed wedding card or a digital message.

How do I find the right words for my wedding congratulations?

To find the right words for your wedding congratulations, you can start from your relationship with the couple and your own feelings. Think about what you admire about the relationship and what you wish the couple for the future. You can also use inspirational quotes, poems or personal experiences to make your congratulations unique and meaningful.

Are there certain cultural or religious aspects that should be taken into account when congratulating someone on their wedding?

Yes, there may be cultural or religious aspects that should be taken into account when congratulating someone on their wedding. Depending on the traditions and religious beliefs of the couple, certain words or symbols may have a special meaning. It is advisable to inform yourself about such cultural or religious aspects in order to be able to congratulate respectfully and appropriately.

Can I write my own wedding congratulations or do I have to use ready-made texts?

It’s perfectly fine to write your own wedding congratulations. This can add a personal touch and reflect your relationship with the bride and groom. However, pre-prepared texts can serve as inspiration if you have difficulty finding the right words. Simply adapt them to your style and your feelings.


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