Changing work culture: Fiverr survey shows high approval of the four-day week

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Arbeitskultur im Wandel - Fiverr Umfrage
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In a constantly changing world of work, adapting to new trends and employee needs is crucial. One of these current topics that is attracting more and more attention is the idea of the four-day week. This way of organizing working hours has become increasingly important in recent years and is seen by many as a possible working model for the future.

In this article, we take a closer look at the results of a survey conducted by Fiverr International Ltd. Fiverr, a company that wants to revolutionize the way the world works together, conducted a survey of employees and freelancers in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, the UK, Australia and the US at the end of August. The survey not only sheds light on the current changes in work culture, but also highlights the importance of flexibility and efficiency in today’s world.

The central question of the survey is: Can the same amount of work be completed in four working days instead of five? The answer to this question could not only influence the future of working time organization, but also change the productivity standards and preferences of employees in companies worldwide.

Surprising results on the four-day week

A central topic of the Fiverr survey was the four-day week as a possible working time model of the future. The survey results provided exciting insights and surprising findings. Almost two thirds (62%) of respondents in Germany are convinced that they can complete the same work in four working days instead of five. But that’s just the average. Internationally, almost 7 out of 10 respondents (69%) are of this opinion.

Interestingly, there are also clear differences between the generations. Younger respondents in particular, such as GenZ and GenY, have a positive attitude towards this idea, with 68% and 74% respectively being convinced. In the baby boomer generation, on the other hand, less than half (47%) share this conviction. These results shed light on the different attitudes to working time organization in different age groups and illustrate the generational change in working culture.

Intergenerational attitudes towards working time organization

However, the survey went beyond the question of the four-day week and examined views on working hours in general. An interesting aspect emerged: the idea of productivity in relation to working hours. In today’s modern working world, it is becoming increasingly clear that productivity is not only related to the number of hours worked. The survey results show that respondents in Germany consider an average of 29 hours per week to be productive. This indicates that the attitude towards work efficiency plays an important role in the evaluation of one’s own working time.

The end of 9 to 5

In today’s changing world of work, the traditional “9 to 5” working model is increasingly being called into question. The results of the Fiverr survey illustrate this gradual change and shed light on the changing perception of working hours and productivity.

Only just over a third (37%) of respondents said they felt particularly creative during the usual office working hours of 9am to 5pm. Among the youngest generation, GenZ, the figure is only just over 3 in 10 respondents (31%). This indicates that the rigid working hours that were considered the norm in the past no longer necessarily provide the optimal conditions for creative and productive work.

Interestingly, the survey also showed that almost half (47%) of respondents said they were most productive in the morning between 7am and 10am. This pattern intensified as respondents got older, with older workers tending to be more productive in the early hours of the morning. Surprisingly, however, a quarter (25%) of GenZ even considered the time before 7am to be the most effective working time. This illustrates the growing interest in flexible working time models, particularly among the younger generation, who want to take greater account of their own productivity cycles and preferences.

Remote Work

The results of the Fiverr survey underline the continuing desire for location-independent work, also known as remote work or teleworking. A notable proportion of respondents expressed a desire to work from home for various reasons.

Time and cost savings by eliminating commuting

A quarter of respondents from Germany (25%) stated that they would prefer to work from home. One of the main reasons for this preference was the time and money saved by not having to commute. The daily commute can not only be time-consuming, but can also result in high costs for transportation, gasoline and parking fees. The opportunity to save these resources is therefore seen as extremely attractive by many employees.

Complete a wide range of tasks from home

Another important reason for the preference for remote work is the ability to perform various tasks from home. Almost half (46%) of those surveyed saw this as an advantage. This could indicate that employees value the flexibility of being able to better balance their work commitments with other aspects of their lives such as housework or family commitments.

Distraction in the office

In addition, 37% of those surveyed stated that they are more easily distracted in the office. The office can sometimes be a place where concentration and productivity are impaired by loud conversations, constant meetings or other distractions. Working from home allows people to work in a quieter environment where they can concentrate better on their tasks.


The way in which teams work together has also changed in recent years. The Fiverr survey offers interesting insights into respondents’ preferences regarding teamwork and the importance of face-to-face meetings.

Preferences for teamwork

One of the most revealing aspects of the survey is that one in five (20%) prefer to work alone. This reflects the diversity of work preferences and shows that not every employee or freelancer has the same attitude to teamwork. Germany stands out as the frontrunner in this respect, as the cross-national average is only 13%.

Personal meetings play an important role

Despite the different preferences, face-to-face meetings still play an important role in teamwork. 42% of respondents said they meet with their colleagues twice or more a day, while 33% prefer face-to-face meetings several times a week to once a day.

Age-related preferences

Interestingly, the survey results showed that face-to-face meetings are particularly popular with older employees and freelancers. In GenZ, the proportion of those who prefer face-to-face meetings was 41%, while it was as high as 60% among Baby Boomers. This underlines the fact that preferences for teamwork correlate closely with the age of the respondents.

In addition to face-to-face meetings, various means of communication are used for teamwork. Phone calls (35%), video calls (21%) and face-to-face meetings outside the office in cafés or co-working spaces (21%) were identified as popular means of communication.

Fiverr and the future of work

The results of the Fiverr survey not only shed light on current trends in the world of work, but also raise the question of how companies like Fiverr themselves are shaping and supporting the future of work.

Florian Müller, Country Manager DACH at Fiverr, highlighted the importance of flexibility in the world of work and emphasized: “Productivity cannot be measured in terms of working hours or hours worked. The focus is increasingly shifting to the output of the work performed. Some companies are already implementing new working models that are geared towards employees’ working methods, individual preferences and productivity cycles. Employers’ flexibility will pay off, especially in view of Generation Z entering the labor market.

This statement underlines the role of companies like Fiverr in shaping the future of work. By promoting flexibility and emphasizing output over mere presence in the workplace, Fiverr is already setting trends that could change the way we work.

Concluding thoughts

The results of the Fiverr survey offer a deep insight into the dynamic and constantly changing world of work. As we move towards a future where traditional working models are disrupted and flexibility and efficiency come to the fore, it is crucial to consider the needs and preferences of employees.

The high level of approval for the four-day week and the changed perception of working hours and productivity show that the work culture is changing. Companies are encouraged to explore innovative working models that take into account the individual preferences and different life phases of their employees.

Teleworking has established itself as an important trend that not only saves time and money, but also promotes work-life balance. Companies that effectively support remote working can position themselves as more attractive employers and benefit from a broader talent base.

The diversity of preferences in teamwork underlines the importance of flexibility in the organizational structure. Organizations should consider the possibility of supporting different working styles and ensuring that team collaboration is efficient regardless of the chosen way of working.

Fiverr itself shows how companies can actively shape the future of work by creating platforms that bring talent and customers together and expand the possibilities for flexible collaboration.

Overall, the results of this study show that the world of work is changing and that the future of work will be characterized by flexibility, efficiency and adaptation to individual preferences. Companies that understand and actively shape this change could be well equipped to succeed in the changing world of work and keep their employees happy. The Fiverr survey is an important source of information for companies and professionals in the fields of human resources, recruiting and employer branding to understand these changes and integrate them into their strategies.

Source: Fiverr press release

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