New job with a colleague – examples of congratulations and sayings

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New job or just a job change for your closest friends and colleagues? Then I have the right sayings for your greetings card.

Getting a new job is an exciting moment in anyone’s life. Perhaps your son or daughter has landed their first real job. Your boyfriend or girlfriend has finally quit that dreaded office job and is on his or her way to a new job? Whatever the reason for the job change, celebrate this step with you. Give him a card with nice sayings about the job change and words of encouragement.

Perhaps you are wondering what you should write in a card for a new job. We assume that you are not satisfied with sayings such as “Congratulations on your new job” and the classic “Good luck in your new job”. But if you’re looking for something more original or fun, then I might have just the right greeting for you.

Simple congratulations on your new job

Do you want to keep it simple? These wishes for the new job are short and sweet. Perfect for wishing someone “all the best for their new job”.

Nice sayings for job changes and new jobs:

  • Congratulations on your new dream job!
  • Good luck in your new job! I hope you enjoy it.
  • Congratulations on your new role! I know you will do well.
  • You have made it! Congratulations on your new job, you will do a great job.
  • Congratulations on your great new job.
  • I wish you all the best and much success in your new job
  • All the best for your new job, you’ve done well!
  • I am so happy for you! Congratulations on your great new job.

Funny sayings for the new job

Hold your partner accountable for their work habits, make fun of a newcomer to the working world or just make them laugh with these funny new job quotes.

  • Congratulations on your new job and good luck to your new colleagues.
  • Don’t mess this up – I mean, I’m sure you’ll make it, well done!!!
  • Congratulations on your new job! Remember, first impressions count – so don’t be too efficient or they’ll expect it in the long run.
  • The job is good!
  • Congratulations on your new job… Hopefully your new boss isn’t like your old man.
  • Welcome to the world of work – this is now the rest of your life. Have fun!
  • Congratulations on doing grown-up things!
  • Congratulations, now the serious side of life begins.

Sweet and sincere wishes for the new job

Maybe the new job has been a long time coming or they’ve found a position in their dream career – whatever the reason to celebrate, make sure you come from the heart with these sweet congratulations on your new job.

  • I’m pretty sure a new job means the next round is waiting for you – I’m happy for you. Well done, buddy!
  • You have made it! Here’s to great new things and all the success you deserve.
  • Woohoo – you’ve got a new job! I am so proud and happy for you.
  • I knew you could do it – congratulations on your new job, you’re going to be great.
  • You believed you could do it and then you fucking did it. Well done!
  • Congratulations on your new job! You did it and I couldn’t be prouder.
  • You did it, and I am so proud of you and your great new job!
  • I can’t wait to see what you achieve – I know you’re going to blow us all away.

Congratulations on your job change

Sincerely wish someone “good luck in their new job” with these sweet messages.

Here are the sweetest messages you can write in your card:

  • Good luck, I know you will be fantastic!
  • Well done and good luck with everything.
  • You have done something amazing and you will continue to do amazing things – good luck and all the best!
  • You don’t need luck, because you’ve worked hard for it – but good luck anyway.
  • Good luck in your new job – keep showing us that you’ve got what it takes!
  • I would wish you the best of luck in your new role, but you don’t need to – you’ve made it!
  • Keep going, keep growing and show them what you’re made of!
  • Good luck – I have always kept my fingers crossed for you and will continue to do so!

Congratulations on a new promotion

Someone in your life may have just found their dream job at their current company and received a promotion they’ve been hoping for (and working towards) since joining the company. Now is the time to show him or her how proud you really are of him or her.

Here are my personal favorites:

  • Congratulations on your fancy new promotion!
  • Keep climbing the career ladder, my friend, you’ve made it.
  • I know how hard I’ve worked for this promotion and now you’ve got it. Well done, my friend, you really deserve it.
  • Congratulations on your new promotion – I always said that bossing me around at a young age would come in handy one day 😉 .
  • Congratulations, you high-flyer! I hope your work is ready for you.
  • I wish you every success in your great new role. This promotion will take you further.
  • Congratulations on your new promotion. As the Space Jam theme tune says: “Are You ready for this”…
  • I knew you could do it. Congratulations on your promotion, no one deserves it more than you!

(Greeting) cards for your colleague

Every good saying needs a matching card. Here are a few examples of greeting cards that I would be delighted to receive. I would be particularly pleased about the third variant, as you can still live out your creativity here. Homemade is still the best.

Be happy for the job change of your closest friends and colleagues

I hope I could offer you some sayings and congratulations. It is important that you are really happy for them with all your heart. Then your sayings and congratulations on changing jobs will be received authentically by your friend or colleague.


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